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SOLVED SCCM client install failed with exit code 1603

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Daniel Broz

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Hi Prajwal,

First, Many Congrats for your awesome Website. It has helped me to implement the whole SCCM Environment with a PKI. And i got so many Information about SCCM and i could solved many Issues.

But one Issue makes me crazy. I cannot solve it. I have already investigated several Weeks of analysing the Issue. But with no Success. So i hope you can help me with this. You are my last Hope. :-)

As you can read in the Thread Title, the SCCM Client can't be installed at a Client Machine with the Error 1603. I have found many solutions in the Net. I have tried to repair the WMI Repository, tried to install the Client manually, per push installation, triggered with sccm and with ConfigMgrStartup Script over GPO. I have deleted everything related to SCCM at the Client Machine. I have upgraded the Windows 10 Machine from Version 1612 to 1703 with an Inplace Upgrade. Nothing helped.

The log File (ccmsetup.log) is not helpfull, too. There i can read the following Issues:

- client.msi installation failed. Error text: ExitCode: 1603
- MSI: Warnung 25702. Failed to uninstall PrepDrvr.Sys for Software Metering Agent.
- Failed to persist AAD on-boarding info. Error 0x80070002
- Failed to send status 100. Error (87D00215)
- Failed to get client version for sending state messages. Error 0x8004100e

I hope this is helpfull for you und you can give me hint, why this installation fails.

Kind Regards,

Finally after a long Time and many Hours of investigating i could solve this Issue: :-)
First I had to manually uninstall the SCCM Client completely from the System by doing the following Steps:

Stopp the Services:
1. Stopp SMS Agent Host Service
2. Stopp CCMSetup service (if present)

Delete Files and Folders:
3. Delete \windows\ccm directory
4. Delete \windows\ccmsetup directory
5. Delete \windows\ccmcache directory
6. Delete \windows\smscfg.ini
7. Delete \windows\sms*.mif (if present)

Delete Registry Entries:
8. Delete HKLM\software\Microsoft\ccm registry keys
9. Delete HKLM\software\Microsoft\CCMSETUP registry keys
10. Delete HKLM\software\Microsoft\SMS registry keys

Delete WMI...
Could you upload the full ccmsetup.log and clientmsi.log files ?. May be we need to check if there are some more errors.
Could you upload the full ccmsetup.log and clientmsi.log files ?. May be we need to check if there are some more errors.

Here it is.. Please have a Look at the Attachement.
The "client.msi.log" was too large. so I have added this File to an Online Share, where you can downlod it:



Do you have an Idead, what i can try?
I have no Idea anymore and this Error drives me nuts.. :-(

Maybe i could be doing something with the WMI Repository.
At the Log i see many of these Errors:

MSI: Aktion 13:44:07: CcmRegisterEndpoint. Registers endpoint gathered in the action CcmRegisterEndpointsInit with WMI. ccmsetup 30.04.2017 13:44:07 7060 (0x1B94)
MSI: Aktion 13:44:07: CcmRegisterSystemTasksInit. Verarbeitet die CcmSystemTask-Tabelle und übergibt diese Informationen an CcmRegisterSystemTask. ccmsetup 30.04.2017 13:44:07 7060 (0x1B94)
MSI: Aktion 13:44:07: CcmRegisterSystemTaskRollback. Führt ein Rollback für durch CcmRegisterSystemTask vorgenommene Änderungen durch. ccmsetup 30.04.2017 13:44:07 7060 (0x1B94)
MSI: Aktion 13:44:07: CcmRegisterSystemTask. Registers a System Task with WMI. ccmsetup 30.04.2017 13:44:07 7060 (0x1B94)
MSI: Aktion 13:44:07: CcmRegisterSystemTaskRollback. Führt ein Rollback für durch CcmRegisterSystemTask vorgenommene Änderungen durch. ccmsetup 30.04.2017 13:44:07 7060 (0x1B94)
MSI: Aktion 13:44:07: CcmRegisterSystemTask. Registers a System Task with WMI. ccmsetup 30.04.2017 13:44:07 7060 (0x1B94)
MSI: Aktion 13:44:07: CcmRegisterSystemTaskRollback. Führt ein Rollback für durch CcmRegisterSystemTask vorgenommene Änderungen durch. ccmsetup 30.04.2017 13:44:07 7060 (0x1B94)
MSI: Aktion 13:44:07: CcmRegisterSystemTask. Registers a System Task with WMI. ccmsetup 30.04.2017 13:44:07 7060 (0x1B94)
MSI: Aktion 13:44:07: CcmRegisterSystemTaskRollback. Führt ein Rollback für durch CcmRegisterSystemTask vorgenommene Änderungen durch. ccmsetup 30.04.2017 13:44:07 7060 (0x1B94)
MSI: Aktion 13:44:07: CcmRegisterSystemTask. Registers a System Task with WMI. ccmsetup 30.04.2017 13:44:07 7060 (0x1B94)
MSI: Aktion 13:44:07: CcmRegisterSystemTaskRollback. Führt ein Rollback für durch CcmRegisterSystemTask vorgenommene Änderungen durch. ccmsetup 30.04.2017 13:44:07 7060 (0x1B94)
MSI: Aktion 13:44:07: CcmRegisterSystemTask. Registers a System Task with WMI. ccmsetup 30.04.2017 13:44:07 7060 (0x1B94)
MSI: Aktion 13:44:07: CcmRegisterSystemTaskRollback. Führt ein Rollback für durch CcmRegisterSystemTask vorgenommene Änderungen durch. ccmsetup 30.04.2017 13:44:07 7060 (0x1B94)
MSI: Aktion 13:44:07: CcmRegisterSystemTask. Registers a System Task with WMI. ccmsetup 30.04.2017 13:44:07 7060 (0x1B94)
MSI: Aktion 13:44:07: CcmRegisterSystemTaskRollback. Führt ein Rollback für durch CcmRegisterSystemTask vorgenommene Änderungen durch. ccmsetup 30.04.2017 13:44:07 7060 (0x1B94)
MSI: Aktion 13:44:07: CcmRegisterSystemTask. Registers a System Task with WMI. ccmsetup 30.04.2017 13:44:07 7060 (0x1B94)
MSI: Aktion 13:44:07: CcmRegisterSystemTaskRollback. Führt ein Rollback für durch CcmRegisterSystemTask vorgenommene Änderungen durch. ccmsetup 30.04.2017 13:44:07 7060 (0x1B94)
MSI: Aktion 13:44:07: CcmRegisterSystemTask. Registers a System Task with WMI. ccmsetup 30.04.2017 13:44:07 7060 (0x1B94)
MSI: Aktion 13:44:07: CcmRegisterSystemTaskRollback. Führt ein Rollback für durch CcmRegisterSystemTask vorgenommene Änderungen durch. ccmsetup 30.04.2017 13:44:07 7060 (0x1B94)
MSI: Aktion 13:44:07: CcmRegisterSystemTask. Registers a System Task with WMI. ccmsetup 30.04.2017 13:44:07 7060 (0x1B94)
MSI: Aktion 13:44:07: CcmRegisterSystemTaskRollback. Führt ein Rollback für durch CcmRegisterSystemTask vorgenommene Änderungen durch. ccmsetup 30.04.2017 13:44:07 7060 (0x1B94)
MSI: Aktion 13:44:07: CcmRegisterSystemTask. Registers a System Task with WMI. ccmsetup 30.04.2017 13:44:07 7060 (0x1B94)
MSI: Aktion 13:44:07: CcmRegisterSystemTaskRollback. Führt ein Rollback für durch CcmRegisterSystemTask vorgenommene Änderungen durch. ccmsetup 30.04.2017 13:44:07 7060 (0x1B94)
MSI: Aktion 13:44:07: CcmRegisterSystemTask. Registers a System Task with WMI. ccmsetup 30.04.2017 13:44:07 7060 (0x1B94)
MSI: Aktion 13:44:07: CcmRegisterSystemTaskRollback. Führt ein Rollback für durch CcmRegisterSystemTask vorgenommene Änderungen durch. ccmsetup 30.04.2017 13:44:07 7060 (0x1B94)
I found some Errors at client.msi.log:
MSI (s) (10:50) [14:32:33:631]: Produkt: Configuration Manager Client - Update "ConfigMgr1610-client-KB4010155-x64" konnte nicht installiert werden. Fehlercode 1603. Weitere Informationen sind in der Protokolldatei C:\WINDOWS\ccmsetup\Logs\client.msi.log enthalten.
MSI (s) (10:50) [14:32:33:631]: Ein Update wurde durch Windows Installer installiert. Produktname: Configuration Manager Client. Produktversion: 5.00.8458.1000. Produktsprache: 1031. Hersteller: Microsoft Corporation. Updatename: ConfigMgr1610-client-KB4010155-x64. Erfolg- bzw. Fehlerstatus der Installation: 1603.
MSI (s) (10:50) [14:32:33:631]: Produkt: Configuration Manager Client - Update "CLP1031" konnte nicht installiert werden. Fehlercode 1603. Weitere Informationen sind in der Protokolldatei C:\WINDOWS\ccmsetup\Logs\client.msi.log enthalten.
MSI (s) (10:50) [14:32:33:631]: Ein Update wurde durch Windows Installer installiert. Produktname: Configuration Manager Client. Produktversion: 5.00.8458.1000. Produktsprache: 1031. Hersteller: Microsoft Corporation. Updatename: CLP1031. Erfolg- bzw. Fehlerstatus der Installation: 1603.
MSI (s) (10:50) [14:32:33:631]: Note: 1: 1708
MSI (s) (10:50) [14:32:33:631]: Transforming table Error.
MSI (s) (10:50) [14:32:33:631]: Note: 1: 2262 2: Error 3: -2147287038
MSI (s) (10:50) [14:32:33:631]: Transforming table Error.
MSI (s) (10:50) [14:32:33:631]: Note: 1: 2262 2: Error 3: -2147287038
MSI (s) (10:50) [14:32:33:631]: Transforming table Error.
MSI (s) (10:50) [14:32:33:631]: Note: 1: 2262 2: Error 3: -2147287038
MSI (s) (10:50) [14:32:33:631]: Transforming table Error.
MSI (s) (10:50) [14:32:33:631]: Note: 1: 2262 2: Error 3: -2147287038
MSI (s) (10:50) [14:32:33:631]: Transforming table Error.
MSI (s) (10:50) [14:32:33:631]: Transforming table Error.
MSI (s) (10:50) [14:32:33:631]: Note: 1: 2262 2: Error 3: -2147287038
MSI (s) (10:50) [14:32:33:631]: Transforming table Error.
MSI (s) (10:50) [14:32:33:631]: Note: 1: 2262 2: Error 3: -2147287038
MSI (s) (10:50) [14:32:33:631]: Transforming table Error.
MSI (s) (10:50) [14:32:33:631]: Note: 1: 2262 2: Error 3: -2147287038
MSI (s) (10:50) [14:32:33:631]: Transforming table Error.
MSI (s) (10:50) [14:32:33:631]: Note: 1: 2262 2: Error 3: -2147287038
MSI (s) (10:50) [14:32:33:631]: Transforming table Error.
MSI (s) (10:50) [14:32:33:631]: Produkt: Configuration Manager Client -- Installationsvorgang fehlgeschlagen.
Ensure source folder of the client package contains the client.msi file and that it is for the corresponding architecture (x64 - for x64 OS, x86 - for x86 OS).
I have a Folder at \\SCCM-Server\sms_sitecode\Client\i386 and \\SCCM-Server\sms_sitecode\Client\x64
At \\SCCM-Server\sms_sitecode\Client there are several Files, for example ccmsetup.exe.
The client.msi File is stored at i386 and x64. This is correct?
Finally after a long Time and many Hours of investigating i could solve this Issue: :-)
First I had to manually uninstall the SCCM Client completely from the System by doing the following Steps:

Stopp the Services:
1. Stopp SMS Agent Host Service
2. Stopp CCMSetup service (if present)

Delete Files and Folders:
3. Delete \windows\ccm directory
4. Delete \windows\ccmsetup directory
5. Delete \windows\ccmcache directory
6. Delete \windows\smscfg.ini
7. Delete \windows\sms*.mif (if present)

Delete Registry Entries:
8. Delete HKLM\software\Microsoft\ccm registry keys
9. Delete HKLM\software\Microsoft\CCMSETUP registry keys
10. Delete HKLM\software\Microsoft\SMS registry keys

Delete WMI Namespace:
11. Delete root\cimv2\sms WMI namespace
12. Delete root\ccm WMI namespace

Delete Folder at the Task Scheduler:
13. In Task Scheduler library, under “Microsoft” delete the “Configuration Manager” folder and any tasks within it

For this you can use the following PS-Script instead:
Try { Set-ExecutionPolicy -ExecutionPolicy Bypass -Scope Process -Force -ErrorAction Stop } Catch {}

# Stop Services
Stop-Service -Name ccmsetup -Force -ErrorAction SilentlyContinue
Stop-Service -Name CcmExec -Force -ErrorAction SilentlyContinue
Stop-Service -Name smstsmgr -Force -ErrorAction SilentlyContinue
Stop-Service -Name CmRcService -Force -ErrorAction SilentlyContinue

# Remove WMI Namespaces
Get-WmiObject -Query "SELECT * FROM __Namespace WHERE Name='ccm'" -Namespace root | Remove-WmiObject
Get-WmiObject -Query "SELECT * FROM __Namespace WHERE Name='sms'" -Namespace root\cimv2 | Remove-WmiObject

# Remove Services from Registry
$MyPath = “HKLM:\SYSTEM\CurrentControlSet\Services”
Remove-Item -Path $MyPath\CCMSetup -Force -Recurse -ErrorAction SilentlyContinue
Remove-Item -Path $MyPath\CcmExec -Force -Recurse -ErrorAction SilentlyContinue
Remove-Item -Path $MyPath\smstsmgr -Force -Recurse -ErrorAction SilentlyContinue
Remove-Item -Path $MyPath\CmRcService -Force -Recurse -ErrorAction SilentlyContinue

# Remove SCCM Client from Registry
$MyPath = “HKLM:\SOFTWARE\Microsoft”
Remove-Item -Path $MyPath\CCM -Force -Recurse -ErrorAction SilentlyContinue
Remove-Item -Path $MyPath\CCMSetup -Force -Recurse -ErrorAction SilentlyContinue
Remove-Item -Path $MyPath\SMS -Force -Recurse -ErrorAction SilentlyContinue

# Remove Folders and Files
$MyPath = $env:WinDir
Remove-Item -Path $MyPath\CCM -Force -Recurse -ErrorAction SilentlyContinue
Remove-Item -Path $MyPath\ccmsetup -Force -Recurse -ErrorAction SilentlyContinue
Remove-Item -Path $MyPath\ccmcache -Force -Recurse -ErrorAction SilentlyContinue
Remove-Item -Path $MyPath\SMSCFG.ini -Force -ErrorAction SilentlyContinue
Remove-Item -Path $MyPath\SMS*.mif -Force -ErrorAction SilentlyContinue

And the final Steps are the following:
1. First run at an elevated Prompt : CHKDSK /F
2. Reboot
3. Open an elevated CMD and run the following command:
fsutil resource setautoreset true C:\
4. Reboot
5. Install the SCCM Agent

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