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SOLVED All Clients Waiting for Install

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Frank van der Hoek

New Member
Hi Guys,

I've used this forum and website for many SCCM issues and usually resolved the issues. But unfortunately, I'm unable to solve this one.
I have upgraded SCCM to latest version at the beginning of this month, clients have been updated. I also made a change on SCCM Client Certificate, but reverted that change already.
But all servers who have a maintenance window have all updates with Waiting for Install. I'm talking about 150-200 Windows Server 2016/2019. Both OS experience the same issue. Server who we update manually are not running into any issue. Which kinds of gives me the idea it is related to the maintenance window.
The updates have been downloaded, but it keeps hanging on waiting for install. I've checked the Boundaries, and these are correct. I removed the old deployments of the updates and recreated them, but with no luck.
The maintenance windows are 3-5 hours long. The servers have only 2-3 updates waiting to install with a maximum of 60 minutes per update. Which indicates that the updates should be able to be installed during the provided maintenance window.
I have been going through so many logfiles, found numerous errors, and resolved some issues, but I can't figure out why this hasn't been resolved.
Any help is appreciated.

Kind regards,
Apparently an old deployment was interfering with everything. After removing the deployment and resetting all clients where the old jobs where removed the issue was solved.
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