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NEW Receiving error when creating a new DP on a new site.


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Prior to Mid-December 2023. I was able to add DPs to a new site I had created. Since then, the ones that were working, no longer work. And I can't add any new DPs. I receive an error is distmgr.log: The distribution point is not installed or upgraded yet. And later on there is a failed to copy the DLL to the new server share. I am attaching the log portion that is relevant.

Things I have tried:

1. Made sure all prereqs were installed on the new DP.
2. Made sure the site server computer account was a local administrator on the new DP.
3. Made sure the C drive has NO_SMS_ON_DRIVE.SMS file and the E drive does not. Also confirmed that when setting up via CM, I chose E as the primary.
4. Made sure the certificate I used (PKI) was the same as the site server's DP (Site server's built-in DP works a treat).
5. Confirmed there is no firewall internally that could be blocking ports.
6. Confirmed no changes have been made with regards to .DLL files as far as security hardening goes.
7. Confirmed BITS was started and set to auto on DP.
8. Confirmed WMI was started and set to auto on DP.
9. Various other "fixes" i have found for this particular issue on various forums.


*UPDATE* When I attempt to create the distribution point, the actual SCCMContetLib parent folder gets created, but nothing under it does. The distmgr.log says the DP is not installed or upgraded yet, and fails to copy the config client jobs. Later in the log it gives a "Failed to install file on DPFQDN, failed to copy contentauthmodule.dll to DPfqdn\admin$\system32\inetsrv\contentauthmodule.dll, Win32 error =64 (which equates to network share not found). When I open the Site and try to path to $admin using my adm account it works fine. I also checked to make sure that local admins were fuil control of that folder and they are now, but it's still not pushing the content lib and still giving the win32 error =64. I made sure site server computer account was in the local admin of the destination dp.