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PENDING MAC Address Passthrough


New Member

Is there any recommended planning or considerations when looking to enable MAC Address Passthrough on mass to laptop clients?

Currently running almost entirely Lenovo devices with Lenovo docks that support MAC address pass through on even our older models so we are likely to be overall highly compatible.
Current firmware setting for MAC address passthrough is disabled and I am hoping to be able to enable it.

Clients are mostly already all in SCCM. It looks to be possible to enable MAC Address passthrough via WMI with Lenovo.

Thank you for your input Prajwal.

I have a wmi GET query, I would have thought that if the class exists that it is possible to SET but I will check on your recommendation.

Also I wondered if changing MACaddress Passthrough in any quantity at one time can have an effect on ip assignment temporarily or anything like that to consider?

I am told that we do not do any inspection at that level on our switching or port security features that may fix MAC addresses and I cannot think of anything else that could affect any transport given enough time for any switch to negotiate at the port level.

Hopefully we have no applications that would use physical mac addresses but again I must check. ID card printers and RF readers can all use MAC address unfortunately. I doubt these devices would be on laptops however.

Can you suggest anything else to be mindful of?