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Azure AVD Login Issue

Ravi Kumar

Active Member
Hello All,

Hope you are doing great,

Two users in our environment are unable to log into Azure AVD from their machines. Both of them recently had their laptop's touchpads replaced, and since then, they have been unable to log into AVD. However, they can log into AVD from different machines without any issues.

Please provide your valuable advice on this matter.

Ravi Kumar
So this issue occurs for every user who tries to log in with another computer and not the assigned machine. Can you tell me what error does a user see when attempted to log in?
So this issue occurs for every user who tries to log in with another computer and not the assigned machine. Can you tell me what error does a user see when attempted to log in?
No Prajwal, its just that these two users are using their assigned machines and they are getting invalid credentials error, however, when they log in from different machine they are able to log in, i would rather say its machine specific since they are able to log in from different machine but i am not able to figure out.